Interview with Jan Willem Drent - Deane Europe BV

1. How could you best describe your organization?
Our organization is one of Family business / orientated where we treat every client the same, large or small, all get the same attention as we wish to grow with all our clients and assist them in more ways than just moving Freight as we can tailor make packages to suit their needs which in most larger opposition companies this is not possible. Our services are divided into transport, logistics, customs, warehousing and global air and sea freight. This is completed with our full service supplychain management. We are used to cooperate with our south African offices for over 15 years and have built up a fixed network vice versa.
2. What makes your products/ company/ service different from others?
We are a privately owned company so we treat our clients in a special way with one contact person who will always cater for their specific needs. Our 24/7 service is a promise to all our clients.
3. What customers can expect from your company?
100% Commitment at all times, 24/7 communication and support as all Offices are equipped with VOIP telephone systems to cater / follow up customers freight movements etc.
4. Why did you start working in the industry you do?
As Dutch CEO I left school and went into forwarding from where I started my education in logistics. This industry is constantly changing which makes it very interesting and it has always been my passion to be in this field and learn and excel as a market leader, all our Staff are selected for their skills and we continue to send them on courses / training to always continue with their experience into the future.
5. What have your biggest obstacles been in trying to expand your organization?
To get a way into certain companies who either do not know W.E. Deane or given the opportunity to quote and or be tried on a trade lane for comparison purposes. Getting in contact with new clients is getting more and more difficult due to globalization and e-commerce. A personal talk is to my opinion the best way to communicate, however we have to follow the new ways in e-commerce and automatization. Furthermore it is rather difficult to find motivated people to expand the number of employee.
6. How can SANEC help with positioning of your company?
Exposure / Introduction to companies doing mutual Trade between Africa and the Netherlands as well as to other countries via our offices/ colleagues in South Africa.
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