Interview with Migrantic

1. How could you best describe your organization?
Migrantic is an independent full service law firm working in a niche market with specialized lawyers, tailored to work in their specific field of law. We combine Dutch law expertise for businesses working on complex cross-border immigration and tax matters. We guide corporate companies, private clients and expats through the maze of regulations, laws and policies. We focus on compliance, tax and immigration (inbound and outbound).
2. What makes your organization/ company/ service different from others?
Our combined expertise in Dutch immigration and tax matters have proven to be valuable to our clients and they appreciate the complementary work. One of our key pillars is our client focus, enabling our clients to focus on their primary goals as we arrange the legal and practical concerns of their migrant employees. Our method of working is fast (a guaranteed response within 24 hours) and direct with a professional and personal service.
Our business model ensures that we are positioned to go direct to the source for specialist requirements and as such we are able to work without middlemen and in turn our clients benefit from our efficient operating model and competitive fees.
3. What can customers expect from your organization?
With more than 25 years of experience in advising corporate companies, private clients and expats, we can provide the required solutions to ensure compliance with all applicable immigration and tax law. Our network enables us to contact the relevant providers to cover all the needs of the client and our experience provides a tailor made practical solution for every international issue where the Netherlands is involved.
We know from experience that international problems do not just intersect in the legal and fiscal areas, but also in practical matters such as work and residence permits, payroll services, pensions and insurance policies and HR. That is why we offer integrated advice on these diverse areas of expertise, in order to contribute to the success of international activities.
4. Why did you start working in the industry you do?
Considering both our international backgrounds, we understand what it is like to be a stranger in a strange land and we understand the challenges that our clients face. We furthermore believe that, besides providing a profound advice, a service needs to be delivered as well. Our university studies, our profound work experience, the acquired network, our enthusiasm for our work and the realization that we can provide extra complementary legal service and advice, gave us enough confidence to start working in this industry.
5. What have your biggest obstacles been in trying to expand your organization?
We have not faced big obstacles (yet). We are working extremely hard on positioning ourselves ianen the market and are working (quite) full time on acquisition and networking.
6. How can SANEC help with positioning your company?
By putting us into contact with (international) companies sending their “internationals” to the Netherlands (inbound) and from the Netherlands abroad (outbound).