Solar-Works! first PAYG SHS provider in Mozambique

Solar-Works! first PAYG SHS provider in Mozambique
On Thursday the 24th of November, Solar-Works! officially launched its inclusive solar services for off grid customers in Mozambique. The event marked the opening of the company’s first shop, warehouse and head office. The launch was attended by representatives of the national and local governments and various development organisations, including the Dutch Ambassador to Mozambique.
The Solar-Works! product range provides consumers with access to modern electricity services, beyond lighting. The spherical design of the lights and the sophisticated switches, are a break from the norm. The design of the Solar Home Systems is such that it takes pride of place in customers’ homes. The product developers firmly believe that customers that live off grid should also have access to beautifully crafted products, something to be proud of. The SHSs vary in size from 40Wh DC to 400Wh DC/AC, and additional products include the Roof Light, which has a motion detector, and the Solar Power Ball with lighting and phone charging capabilities.
SolarWorks! is the first solar company in Mozambique to provide pay as you go (PAYG) plans, encouraging customers to utilise mobile money. Although there is massive potential for mobile money in the country, at present diffusion remains low, and tends to be centred around major cities: it is hoped that SolarWorks! and other companies that service peri-urban and rural customers, can help to accelerate uptake.
In Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania similar business models have proven to be very successful in providing solar solutions to rural areas. Mozambique has long waited for such businesses to start providing these services in Mozambique, and Solar-Works! is now the first company to do this, with more than 150 families connected within its first month of business. There is still a long way to go, with some 18 million people nationwide living off-grid. While SolarWorks! is currently the only PAYG solar provider, DFID’s large rural electrification programme BRILHO, hopes to encourage other private players to enter the Mozambican market in the coming years.
Solar-Works! is cooperating with both private companies, governmental bodies and NGOs in this initial phase of market development. One of the key foundations of the company is building local capacity, and as such Solar-Works! has started their own training academy, focusing primarily on customer service and technical knowledge. Starting from their branch office in Matola, Solar-Works! aims to have dozens of sales outlets throughout Mozambique, employing hundreds of people in the coming year, so watch this space…
Company information
SolarWorks! is a Dutch based company operational since 2008 with offices in the Netherlands, South Africa and Mozambique. Solar-Works! developed one of the markets’ most advanced solar product range. Its products were among the first to be certified by Lighting Global and more than 100 000 have been sold in over 10 African countries.
Have a look at their website here.